–Louise Hay, Motivational Author and Publisher
Do you feel like you are on a runaway train that is about to hit a brick wall?
Rewind 5 years and I had not quite hit a brick wall but the train was fast heading that way!
I’ve worked for myself or as a consultant to other businesses for most of my working life. I worked all the hours God gave to the extent that my identity became wrapped up in how many hours I worked and how much time I spent on the road – or in the air. I had fought and struggled to achieve what I thought was success at the time but I had had enough!
My own journey of personal development had led me to a place where I knew there was more to life than being on the hamster wheel and it was time to get off!
I’ve never wanted to go back to working for someone else but I also knew that I wanted to move away from the business I was involved in at the time and do something that would fulfil my desire to help other people – real women with real lives.
That’s when I discovered the world of coaching – and boy! – I knew I had found my purpose! This was a world of support and understanding without judgement. A place of positive motivation and action and I knew this was where I wanted to be.
In January 2016 I began training with The Coaching Academy, and was awarded a Distinction in the Personal Performance Coaching Diploma and a SFEDI Level 5 Diploma. Following this I qualified as NLP Practitioner, adding a further dimension to my coaching skills.
The tools I learned have enabled me to understand how important is to know what I want and why I want it, looking at my whole life not just at a part of it. I learned how the way we talk to, and about, ourselves has a huge bearing on what we achieve in our lives. I learned to look for the resources available to help me. I learned practical action strategies to keep me motivated and on my path and I learned how to look at myself and take responsibility for my business and my life.
Suddenly everything started to fall into place; my indecision, procrastination and lack of motivation melted away. I felt inspired, positive and excited about my future and my ability to craft a business and a life that works for me, is my idea of success and fulfils me in every way.
My passion now is in helping people raise their awareness of what is possible for them, changing their perspective so their reality changes, and giving them the tools and confidence to know they can achieve a life they love!
If you are feeling stuck, uncertain and overwhelmed, whilst believing deep down that there has to be a better way, then you are in just the right place at just the right time and I would love to help you navigate this journey.
One of the most important thing I have discovered on my journey through life is that self-awareness is the key. Because truly knowing yourself enables you to make better choices, to confidently make the changes to maintain a life you love.
Your mindset has a profound effect on your outcomes, no matter how far along you may be in your own journey.
“I feel like a stronger, more positive, determined and focussed person with infinite possibilities as a result of our coaching sessions. You’re an awesome coach and person with a gift to be able to communicate and realte in a really human, simple, clear way.”
– Liz, Marbella
Clarify your vision, identify your challenges and create a clear path to success your way!
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